探索世界奥秘之Life Story(生命物语) Unit13

英语听力 2019-08-10 18:11:10 81

(Come on, let\'s talk about sex, baby, let\'s talk about you and me, let\'s talk about...)

When it comes to growing up, 12-year-old Beatrice will ride the roller coaster of puberty.
(let\'s talk about sex, let\'s talk about you and me...)

When you are a teenager, apparently you go bolshy, you get your periods, you get pubic hair. You get taller, you get, er, sort of, er, you go wide at the hips, I think it is, I can\'t remember. It\'s painful to run. I wanna tell you that because what happens up above, you have to start wearing a bra, sorry. (I) have to mention that, it gets really painful to run.

Month by month, Jeff and Philipper will share with us perhaps the body\'s greatest miracle.

I just marvel at the fact that all of this is going on, there\'s no real intervention for me, it\'s just my body taking over and doing it all, and I\'m not, not in control of it, at , at all really, it just all happens.

In adulthood, we reach the peak of human achievement. Marsha, an astronaut, has scaled the heights.

There is nothing in our experience, genetic, metaphysical, emotional, psychological experience that prepares us for being off the planet. You know, you can look at all of the pictures that come back from space, and you can look at the videos and there are something about looking out of the window that is not describable.

And we\'ll be living through the ravages of aging with 76-year-old Bud and his wife Viola. They live and work on a famp3 in the Midwest of America.

What I remember about Bud, he had the prettiest waviest hair.


That\'s different now, isn\'t it?

Yes, it is.

Ha-ha, and his skin was smooth, no wrinkles, and didn\'t have any little pot here.


And in our last chapter, as his body slowly succumbs to cancer, Herby will take us on his final journey.

I know, I\'ll never see this film in my lifetime.

words and expressions

roller coaster :(original meaning here is 过山车)Something, such as an action, event, or experience, that is marked by abrupt, extreme changes in circumstance, quality, or behavior:

puberty:The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.青春期:青少年阶段

bolshy:<俚>反叛的, 顽强的

period:An instance or occurrence of menstruation.经期

pubic: of, relating to, or located in the region of the pubis or the pubes.阴部的,耻骨的

ravage:Grievous damage; havoc:
the ravages of disease.

succumb to:屈服于

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