听遍美国之社会新闻[2]:圣周以巴仍然不见安宁There is Little Peace in the Holy Land&nbs

英语听力 2019-08-10 12:11:04 119

听遍美国之社会新闻[2]:There is Little Peace in the Holy Land Even at Holy Week

 The third Easter weekend finds violence(1) still raging(2) in the Middle East. Yesterday Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian teenager. And US sponsored(3) talks in the last two weeks have made little progress. More from ABC’s Nathan Thomas.
    Holy Week has brought thousands of Christian pilgrims【朝圣者】 to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter, the resurrection【复活】 of the man Christians call the Prince of Peace, but there is little peace in the Holy Land. What’s often called a low intensity(4) conflict(5) between Jews and Moslems continues to escalate(6) . In almost nightly violence, rocks and rubber bullets have become mortar【迫击炮】 shells【炮弹】 and rockets【火箭弹】. Israeli troops went into Palestinian territory(7) and bulldozed【用推土机推】 homes in a refugee(8) camp from which they say mortar attacks were launched. Despite American attempts to restart peace talks, a spokesman for Yassir Arafat said that the Palestinians have not yet used all their tools in response to Israeli aggression(9)..The Israelis were just as tough. “Palestinians must understand one thing and understand it very clearly. There isn’t going to be shooting and talking at the same time.” This week has also brought Jewish pilgrims to the western wall of Jerusalem to celebrate Passover【逾越节】. One Rabbi【犹太教祭司】 called on the Israeli amp3y to joyfully annihilate(10) Arabs. A year ago there was great hope that the Palestinians and Israelis were close to achieving real peace. This Easter peace in the Holy Land seems increasingly remote(11) .
    ABC’s Nathan Thomas in London.





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