正如人们的预料,角逐美国民主党总统候选人提名的奥巴马参议员在怀俄明州的党内预选中获胜,又增加了七名支持他在党内获得提名的党代表。这距离奥巴马获得党内提名又走近了一步。但是,希拉里.克林顿参议员最近在德克萨斯州和俄亥俄州获胜以后也在努力奋斗。The western state of Wyoming has large areas of sparsely populated range land and wilderness and only a few relatively small cities, by national standards, so it offers only 12 delegates. But Senator Obama welcomes any delegates as he moves to widen his nearly 100 delegate lead over Hillary Clinton.
美国西部的怀俄明州有大片的荒野和人烟稀少的农场地区。以美国的全国标准,这个州只有很少几个不大的城市。这个州只有12个民主党代表名额。但是奥巴马欢迎他赢得的任何党代表,这将扩大他领先克林顿将近100个党代表的优势。Both candidates campaigned in the state Friday, but analysts had long assumed Obama would have the advantage partly because he has tended to do well in states that hold caucuses, rather than primaries. As the final results were being tallied it appeared he had won almost two thirds of the total votes cast. Obama is likely to take seven delegates from Wyoming. Clinton should take five.
星期五,这两位角逐者都在怀俄明竞选,但是分析人员早就估计奥巴马会拥有优势,部分原因是奥巴马倾向于在那些用党内预选的方式,而不是以选民初选的方式来推选党代表的州取得良好的表现。在怀俄明最后清点投票结果的时候,看来奥巴马赢得了将近三分之二的选票。他很可能赢得7个怀俄明的党代表,而克林顿应该赢得5个党代表。For the past week Clinton has been focusing much of her campaign rhetoric on what she describes as Obama\'s lack of experience, questioning his readiness to be commander in chief.
过去一个星期,克林顿的竞选言论一直集中在她所谓的奥巴马缺乏经验方面。她质疑奥巴马是否作好了担任三军总司令的准备。"Often when lives are on the line and a decision must be made, experience counts for everything,\' she said. "In this election we need a nominee who can pass the commander-in-chief test, someone ready on day one to defend our country and keep our families safe."
克林顿说,“我们经常遇到的情况是,生死攸关,必须作出决定,这种情况下经验决定一切。这场选举,我们需要这样一个提名人。这个人能够通过三军总司令的考验,这个人从上任第一天起就能够保卫我们的国家,保护我们的家庭的安全。”Clinton cites her experience both as a senator from New York and her eight years working with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in the White House as well as her claim to have visited some 80 nations. But Obama says her vote in the Senate to authorize the war in Iraq shows her lack of good judgment and he also questions the basis of her claim to experience.
克林顿谈到她作为纽约州参议员的经历和作为前总统克林顿的夫人在白宫度过的八年时光。她也谈到她曾访问过大约80个国家。但是奥巴马说,克林顿夫人在参议院投票批准发动伊拉克战争,表明她不能作出良好的判断。奥巴马还质疑克林顿参议员自称的经验的基础。"One of the things I hope people start asking is what exactly is this foreign experience that she is claiming. I know she talks about visiting 80 countries. It is not clear, was she negotiating a treaty or agreements or was she handling crises during this period of time? My sense is the answer is no," he said.
奥巴马说,“我希望大家开始提到的一个问题是,克林顿自称她拥有的外交事务经验究竟是什么?我知道,她说她访问了80个国家。我们不明白的是,她在这个时期是谈判过协议,还是处理过危机?依我看,答案是否定的。”Obama supporters hailed the Wyoming victory as one more step to ultimate victory for their candidate, but Clinton supporters say the nearly even split of delegates keeps their candidate\'s campaign alive. Under the Democratic Party\'s rules delegates are split proportionally based on the vote in each contest.
奥巴马的支持者说,他在怀俄明州的胜利是朝最终胜利走近了一步。但是克林顿的支持者则表示,两位角逐者几乎平分了怀俄明州的党代表,这将保持克林顿的竞选继续下去。The next contest for the two Democratic candidates will be in the southern state of Mississippi, which holds its primary on Tuesday. Thirty-three delegates are at stake in that contest.
奥巴马乘胜前进 克林顿尚未认输