新东方英语口语&新东方英语口语900句 Lesson 19:Finished Activities

英语口语 2019-08-08 12:11:27 57


Lesson Nineteen Finished Activities

Core Sentences
1. Have you ever been to Britain?
2. I have been to London twice.
3. Tim has discussed his paper with his supervisor.
4. He has been watch TV for two hours.
5. Have you send postcard to your uncle. I told Maggy to send it for me.
6. Havn\'t I told you the address to the letter might be wrong?
7. I should have checked.
8. You might have her were dismissed.
9. You must have got the news that postage is going to be raised.
10. Peter had thought a lot about quiting before he did it.
11. He had become a Olympic champion by the age of twenty.
12. Beijing sucessfuly won the for the 2008 Olympic games.
13. It has tried eight years before, but failure.
14. Have sucessfully concluded their project, Melissa is spending her holiday in Singapore.

Dialog Exercises
Number One, Dismiss an Employee
A. I havn\'t seen Tade for a week. What\'s wrong with him?
B. Havn\'t you heard he quited his job.
A. No, how is that?
B. He quited his job last week. And he had thought a lot about it before has resignation.
A. He has been working here for thirty years.
B. But the boss has been finding faults with him ever since he lost our biggest customer.
A. I thought the boss hitting just because he was late for five minutes.
B. It might be a blessing he has landed a better job with a big company.
A. That\'s a relief. Tade is such a nice guy and he has been so nice to us.

Number Two, Take a vocation to the sea shore.
A. Joe, long time no see. How is going?
B. Terrific. I have just been back from the Miami beach.
A. I have notice you look .
B. Thanks, the place is just . Beautiful things, pleasant weather, friend people, I have heard a lot of about it. I\'ll surely go there someday. I bet you won\'t be sorry for that. What about you?
A. Owe, just as usual. I have been tide up with project for so long.
B. I thought you\'ve finished it.
A. None, the board always changes the plan at the last minute.
B. I would be crasy.
A. I am. Oh, Joe, I have got to go now. I have a meeting half an hour. Give my regards to Sally and the kids.
B. Bye, I\'ll call you later.



