新东方英语口语&新东方英语口语900句 Lesson 9:Daily Activities

英语口语 2019-08-08 12:11:25 172


Lesson nine Daily Activities.

Core Sentences
1. What is a typical day for you?
2. I usually wake up at six thirty.My husband gets up later than I do. It takes time to get the kids dressed. We have milk and toast for breakfast.
3. Susan drives the children to school in the morning, and picks them up after school.
4. It is time to go to school, hurry up.
5. Davide leaves for work at eight o\'clock every morning. And go shopping in a supemp3arket after geting off work.
6. Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time visit her house.
7. After lunch, I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera.
8. Jerry often does his homework to midnight.
9. I am used to going to bed at around eleven, and I fall fast sleep.
10. Lisa enjoys housekeeping, and her husband also helps around the house.
11. I like reading magzines in my spare time.

Dialog Exercises.

Number one Interview with the star sells girl.
A. Good morning, Amender. You are only twenty three, and you are the star sells girl in your store. Congratulations!
B. Thank you.
A. Can you tell us the secret of your success?
B. The secret as you call it. It\'s work. I get up very early every morning. I walk to work. I work very hard. I\'m doing real well in sells and get large amounts of comission. I save every penny to attend a evening class. When I get home after class, I think of the day\'s work and I make a plan for the next day. I\'m tired and crash out soon after I go to bed.
A. Do you like your job?
B. Yes, I like it. It\'s hard, but I\'m used to it.

Number Two Interview with the house wife.
A. So, Linda, what is a typical day for you?
B. I usually get up at around six o\'clock. When breakfast is ready, I wake my husband up. Then I dressed the kids up. After breakfast, my husband drives the older kids to school. I stay at home with my baby daughter. I take care of the baby and do the cleaning for most of the morning. In the after noon, when the baby is sleep, I am free to the garden, go shopping or visit some friends. Dinner is usually big and takes time to prepare. After dinner, I play with the kids or watch TV with my husband. I go to bed at around eleven o\'clock.
A. Are you used to this kind of life, Linda?
B. I once thought it boring and I found a job. You know what happened? The house was in a mess. My husband and I were too tired to do the house and take care of the kids. So we . It cost more. I quite my job and I realize the house work is also important to work.



