
英语口语 2019-08-07 12:11:49 93

M: I\'d like a double room.

W: Do you have a reservation?

M: Yes, I called you last week from New York. My name is George Lee.

W: Wait a second, please. Yes, Mr. Lee. We have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?

M: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we\'ll decide when to leave for Seattle.

W: Would you sign the register please?

M: Yes, by the way, does my room come with a private bath?

W: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.

M: Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with

twin beds.

W: Your room has twin beds, Mr. Lee. It also has a view. I\'m sure you\'ll like it. This is your key. It\'s on the 8th floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.

M: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?

W: The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.

M: Thank you. You\'re very kind.

W: You\'re welcome.

M: I\'d like a double room.
M: 我要一个双人房。

W: Do you have a reservation?
W: 您预订了吗?

M: Yes, I called you last week from New York. My name is George Lee.
M: 是的,我上个星期从纽约打电话给你们了。我的名字叫George Lee。

W: Wait a second, please. Yes, Mr. Lee. We have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?
W: 请稍等。是的,李先生。我们为您留了一间房。您计划住多久?
M: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we\'ll decide when to leave for Seattle.
M: 可能两天。我的妻子明天会过来。然后我们会决定什么时候动身前往西雅图。

W: Would you sign the register please?
W: 您能在登记表上签一下名吗?

M: Yes, by the way, does my room come with a private bath?
M: 是的,顺便问一下,我的房间有私人的浴室吗?

W: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.
W: 当然。这个酒店的每个房间都有一个私人浴室。

M: Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with twin beds.
M: 我的房间两张一样的单人床还是一张双人床?我更喜欢房间有两张一样的单人床。

W: Your room has twin beds, Mr. Lee. It also has a view. I\'m sure you\'ll like it. This is your key. It\'s on the 8th floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.
W: 李先生,您的房间有两张一样的单人床。也能看到风景。我敢肯定您会喜欢它的。这是您的钥匙。您的房间在8楼的801房。电梯在那边。

M: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?
M: 谢谢您。还有一件事,你们的餐厅在哪里?

W: The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.
W: 餐厅在二楼。我们在顶楼也有一个自助餐厅。如果您想喝东西,你可以打电话订餐也可以下来这里。酒吧刚好在大厅的旁边。

M: Thank you. You\'re very kind.
M: 谢谢您。您非常友好。

W: You\'re welcome.
W: 不客气。

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