
英语口语 2019-08-07 12:11:41 92

How much is the fare to the Great Wall?

Ten yuan.

How many stops before I get there?

Twelve stops.

How long will it take?

If there is no traffic jam,it takes forty minutes.

Thank you very much.

Not at all.

How much is the fare to the Great Wall?  去长城的票价是多少?

Ten yuan.  10元。

How many stops before I get there?  去到那里要多少个站?

Twelve stops.  12个站。

How long will it take?  要花多长时间?

If there is no traffic jam,it takes forty minutes.  如果交通不阻塞,要40分钟。

Thank you very much.  非常感谢你。

Not at all.  不客气。

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