
英语口语 2019-08-07 00:11:33 88

My skin is sensitive.

My skin is oily.

My complexion is a little bit dark.

I\'d like to buy a lipstick that fits my complexion.

What kind of face cleaner is for oily skin?

Does this brand have whitening products?

Could you recommend some moisturizing products?

I need a line eraser to increase skin\'s firmness and reduce signs of aging.

Which product can help heal acne?

My skin is sensitive.  我皮肤过敏。

My skin is oily.  我是油性皮肤。

My complexion is a little bit dark.  我的肤色有点黑。

I\'d like to buy a lipstick that fits my complexion.  我想买一支称我肤色的口红。

What kind of face cleaner is for oily skin?  哪种洗面奶适合油性肌肤?

Does this brand have whitening products?  这个牌子有美白产品吗?

Could you recommend some moisturizing products?  你可以推荐几款保湿产品吗?

I need a line eraser to increase skin\'s firmness and reduce signs of aging.

Which product can help heal acne?  哪种产品可以去除粉刺?

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