英语导读1000句[64]:Under the Sea

英语口语 2019-08-05 18:11:22 106

Section 64
Under the Sea

1 Perhaps the most unexplored area on this planet is under the sea.
2 Today there are large areas which we have never been to.
3 They are too deep for us to examine in detail.
4 Although we do have commercial exploration of the sea bed, it is still unknown.
5 The marine life of the upper and middle waters are fairly well recorded.
6 However, the deep sea environment can still reveal many secrets.
7 To explore these areas is difficult because of the great pressure deep down.
8 We can not build the right machines that can sustain life at the very bottom.
9 When we are able to do so, we will discover a whole new world of marine matter.
10 The sea is a source of food for many people and a source of income.
11 We have deep sea villages drilling for oil and gas under the sea bed.
12 The natural resources of the deep sea are still relatively untapped.
13 It could be that there lies some of the solutions to our resources problems.
14 Having learned from our mistakes towards the environment on the surface of the earth, we will be more cautious when utilizing the world below it.
15 Science will reveal the secrets of deep sea one day, and it will be very exciting to learn what is there.



