
英语口语 2019-08-05 18:11:20 97

Section 56

1 Do you understand computers?
2 Well, I know how to use one, and basically what it can do.
3 So, what is the point of using a computer?
4 Well, it is there because it can do things so quickly.
5 Like what, for example?
6 Like word processing, you know, writing letters and things.
7 Is that faster than by hand?
8 Sure. It is so easy to correct mistake without having to throw away what you have already written.
9 So what else are they useful for?
10 Calculations and spread sheets are so much easier by computer.
11 And what about communications? I hear they are important in computing.
12 Yah. Email and Internet are the big things now.
13 But do you think computers will change our lives much?
14 Of course. But with the right attitude, a positive attitude, you can see that it will make our lives much better.
15 I sure hope you’re right.

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