
英语口语 2019-08-05 18:11:17 105

Section 38

They say that the world’s first great invention was the wheel.
Perhaps we could argue that the discovery of fire was equally as important.
Of course we don’t know who invented those.
But we do know about modern inventions.
Alexander Graham Bell, Marconi and Faraday are all associated with inventions brought about as a result of electricity.
A Scotsman called Logie Baird is said to have invented the television.
And that has greatly changed our lives.
What other inventions have changed our lives in a big way?
Most of them probably.
China is famous for its early inventions of printing, the compass, gun powder etc.
Modern inventions will probably change our lives as much as older ones.
The computer has already started to modify the way that we live.
Communication seems to be the most dramatically effected by modern inventions.
The fax machine, mobile phones and Internet are bringing new changes almost daily.
Soon everyone will have a mobile phone that has easy access to the Internet.
Then we can expect to see pictures of the people we are talking to on the phone.
Television, telephone and computer will all be built into one small handheld machine.
And today these changes are happening faster than at any other time in our history.

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