
英语口语 2019-08-05 18:11:11 77

Section 37

Once we discovered fire, we learned how to cook.
Since then, the methods of cooking vary tremendously.
Culinary tastes have delivered boiling, baking, broiling, frying, grilling, roasting and many other ways of cooking.
Around the world, so many different ways of presenting food have evolved.
Almost every country has its own cooking characteristics.
In China, most hot food is quick fired, whereas in the west, grilling is preferred.
In Chinese homes, it is not common to see an oven.
In the west, everyone has an oven for baking and roasting.
Meat, in China, is usually cut up into small portions.
In the west, large pieces of meat are often served at meal times.
Today, some people do not eat meat.
They are called vegetarians.
Those who eat nothing associated with animals or fish are called vegans.
Even without meat or fish, there is still a great variety of choice of foods.
If we look in modern bookshops, we can see hundreds of books to teach us how to cook.
For many, cooking and eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

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