
英语口语 2019-08-05 12:11:29 86

Section 43

If we are very ill or need surgery, we go to the hospital.
Hospitals are usually very big places, especially in developed countries.
The hospital will be separated into departments.
Each department will specialize in one kind of illness, or in one part of the body.
There are many different kinds of skilled people working in hospitals.
There are administrators, cooks, cleaners and porters as well as surgeons, doctors and nurses.
There maybe special hospitals just for children, old people or for maternity.
Hospitals are usually extremely clean and hygienic, which is very important.
If you visit hospital and don’t stay in overnight, you are called an outpatient.
Otherwise, you will stay in bed and be cared for by the nurses and doctors.
In the west, there are usually specific times when friends can visit.
In emergencies, people may be taken to hospital in an ambulance.
The ambulance drivers will be skilled in first aid or paramedics.
The ambulance may also take you back home if a car etc. is not convenient.
Of course, it is important that every community has access to a hospital.

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