英语导读一千句&英语导读1000句[30]:Climate Change

英语口语 2019-08-05 12:11:23 120

Section 30
Climate Change

El Nino, which is not an English name, is playing an important part in our lives.
We often hear people talk about the strange weather we are having nowadays.
The changing weather patterns are not fully understood yet.
El Nino is one which is not clear in scientist’s minds.
It is a sort of warming of the seas that move around the earth.
Many strange weather phenomenon are blamed on El Nino.
But this may not be the real case.
Global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain etc. can all have an effect upon the weather.
What are these effects that everyone is talking about?
Tropical storms are appearing in non-tropical areas.
Some parts of the world are heating up too much and crops are failing, deserts are extending, turning arable land into unfarmable land.
Floods are coming to areas that have never experienced than before.
Unnatural weather occurrences are happening everywhere.
We are not certain what the long term effects will be.
It is certain, however, that we must pay attention to these occurrences.

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