
英语口语 2019-08-05 12:11:21 73

Section 26

If we try to think of the most important inventions, electricity will surely be on the list.
For the last 100 years, it has played an important part in the development of the modern world.
It affects everyone’s life in one way or another.
It is probably present the moment we are born and it stays with us throughout our lives.
When the electricity goes off, we call it a power cut.
Major power cuts in cities can have disastrous results for commerce and for life.
Try to think of all the things, organizations etc. that truly depend on electricity.
In fact, it is probably more difficult to think of those not dependent on it.
We also call electricity power, which shows how important it is.
We could say that we take electricity for granted.
In the modern world, the making of electricity is a major concern.
Its production can harm our environment.
Because of this, scientists and engineers are researching new ways of making it.
Without it, our lives will change dramatically.
And it is unlikely to be for the better.

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