英语导读一千句&英语导读1000句[20]:Famous Musicians
Section 20
Famous Musicians
1 How many musical instruments can you think of?
2 Can you named anyone famous for playing what you chose?
3 How many are from the 20th century?
4 Before then, most famous musicians were also composers.
5 Composers were more famous than the players.
6 Is that the case today?
7 Most of famous musicians before the 20th century played in orchestras.
8 Today, many of the most well-known musicians belong to the rock and pop world.
9 If they create their own music, are they also composers?
10 Yes, they are. But their work is different to that of Beethoven etc.
11 Is Michael Jackson as famous as Beethoven?
12 Will his work last as long?
13 Modern musicians and composers usually do not stay famous for more than a year or two.
14 Today’s fame is often short lived.
15 But the famous will earn lots and lots of money.
16 It is interesting to compare musicians like Beethoven and Michael Jackson.
17 It is difficult to say which is the best because they are so different.
18 Each one was famous because they gave the public the right thing at the right time.