
英语口语 2019-08-05 12:11:19 119

Section 27

What exactly is the environment?
It’s the world around us.
You mean the sky and trees and things like that.
Well, yes. But it can be even closer to home.
In fact, your home is an environment.
So it is anything that is around us, yah?
Yah. But most people today think of it as nature.
That’s what I thought at first.
Well, it has become very important today to think of the natural environment.
Is that because we are afraid of what is happening in nature?
Sure. It is really only in the last 50 years that we have realized what harm we are causing to the natural environment.
But the damage was started long before that, wasn’t it?
I suppose it’s started with industrial revolution about 300 years ago.
That’s not very long, if you think how old the world is.
No. But most of the environmental damage had been increasing dramatically over the past 100 years.
Yes. But now we are aware of it, we are doing our best to rectify it.

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