
英语口语 2019-08-05 12:11:15 113

Section 24

I like school, I hate school.
Why do people feel like that.
Which are you, a lover or a hater?
Do you or did you enjoy school and learning?
So what makes a school good or bad?
Perhaps it is the teachers.
If you have good caring teachers, you will enjoy learning.
Or is it the classmates that make it good or bad?
Why do we spend so many years at school?
It should prepare us for our adult life.
Was your school successful at doing that?
People can have very strong ideas about what school should and shouldn’t do.
Whether schools are to prepare us for adult life or further education, they are important.
So it maybe just a matter of luck if we get to a good school or not.
That luck, however, can change our whole life.

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