
英语口语 2019-08-05 00:11:13 124

I have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months in a law office.

2. 在这类工作中,灵活性理应排在第一位。
Flexibility should certainly rank high in this type of job.

I am looking for a job where my research and writing askills can be used.

My boss was impressed by the work I had done.

My biggest satisfaction is to make progress in the job.

6. 我非常清楚作为一名实验室助理应该做些什么。
I know exactly what I should do as a laboratory assistant.

7. 我认为助理的工作不只是执行命令。
I don\'t think the duties of assistant are just following orders.

8. 我是个从来不找借口的人。
I\'m a person who never tries to find excuses.

What would you like to know about me?

A:Well,tell me something of yourself.

B:What would you like to know,Mr. Green?

A:What working experience have you get?

B:In 2004,I got a job in the sales department of a trading company near Guangzhou. I started a sales rpresentative. A year later, I was promoted to the position of sales manager. I had that job ever since,which is just over a year now.

A:Oh,good. Irene, can you tell me why you plan to quit being a sales manager to work here as my assistant?Don\'t you like your present job?

B: Frankly, some part of it I enjoy very much ,but I prefer something more professional. It happens that I have a friend working here in this company. She told me the export department was to recruit an assistant. I felt very excited at this news. That\'s why I\'m here.

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