真实生活英语&真实生活英语Unit12:Diseases & Social Problems

英语口语 2019-08-04 06:11:08 124

Unit 12 Diseases & Social Problems
疾 病 和 社 会 问 题

Part One: Expressions
1. You really should stop smoking.
2. I don’t smoke too much, though.
3.He died of lung cancer.
4.Did you hear about John?
5.Supposedly, it was the first time he did heroin.
6.I suppose that’s true.
7.We shouldn’t take any more chances.
8.I always want to do it.
9.Go get some work done.
10.You know how scared we were about getting pregnant last time.

Part Two: Dialogues
1.A Heavy Smoker 瘾君子
A: You really should stop smoking, you know.
B: I know. I know. I don’t smoke too much, though.
A: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
B: About a pack, more if I drink.
A: Wow. You’re really a heavy smoker.
B: No, I’m not. My father smoked two packs a day for forty years.
A: He died of lung cancer, right?
B: Yeah…you’re right. I really should stop smoking.
A: 你知道,你真的应该戒烟了。
B: 我知道,知道。我的烟瘾也不是很重。
A: 你每天抽多少根烟?
B: 1包左右。如果喝酒的话,抽得多一点。
A: 哇,真是个瘾君子。
B: 我不是,我的父亲40年来每天抽两包。
A: 他死于肺癌,是吗?
B: 是…没错。我真的应该戒烟了。

2.overdose 吸食过量
A: Did you hear about John?
B: No. What happened?
A: He overdosed on heroin.
B: Oh my god. He used drugs?
A: I guess so. Supposedly, it was the first time he did heroin.
B: His poor family.
A: Yeah.
A: 听说了汤姆的事情吗?
B: 没有,什么事?
A: 他服用海洛因过量。
B: 哦,天。他吸毒?
A: 我想是。据称,这是他第一次吸食海洛因。
B: 他的家人真可怜。
A: 是呀。

3.Getting pregnant 怀孕
A: I really think we should make sure we use a condom from now on.
B: Why?
A: You don’t know how scared we were about getting pregnant last time.
B: I suppose that’s true.
A: We’re really stupid not to use one.
B: I got tested for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) two months before we started dating. You know that.
A: I know, but it can take up to six months for some STDs to show up on the test. We shouldn’t take any more chances.
B: All right, you’re right.   
A: O.K.
A: 我真的觉得从现在开始我们得用避孕套了。
B: 为什么?
A: 你不知道上次怀孕我们是多么害怕。
B: 那倒是。
A: 我们真是蠢,竟然没有用到。
B: 你知道,在我们开始约会以前两个月,我就做过AIDS和STD的检查。
A: 我知道。但是有些STD的病毒要六个月才知道。我们不可以再冒险了。
B: 好的,你是对的。
A: 那就好。

Part Three: Substitution Drills
1. A: You really should stop (smoking/ drinking/ doing drugs).
  B: I know.

2. A: I don’t (smoke/ drink/ eat) too much, though.
  B: Yes, you do.

3. A: He died of (lung cancer/ an overdose/ AIDS).
  B: That’s horrible.

4. A: Did you hear about (John/ that new movie/ what happened)?
  B: No, what happened?

5. A: (Supposedly/ I heard/ they say), it was the first time he did heroin.
  B: Oh, my god.

6. A: I suppose (that’s true/ you’re right/ we should.)
  B: We’re really stupid not to.

7. A: We shouldn’t take anymore (chances/ risks).
  B: You’re right.

8. A: I always want to (smoke/ drink/ sleep).
  B: No. You can’t.

9. A: Go (get some work done/ finish you work/ do some work).
  B: All right.

10. A: You know how scared I am about (getting pregnant last time/ getting an heartdiease / going bungee jumping.)
    B: That’s true.

Part Four: Monologue
“Sexually transmitted disease, or STD, is a serious social problem facing the world today. Fortunately, education can do a lot to control this problem.  Education is particularly important for diseases such as AIDS and herpes, for which no cure exists. We must educate our society’s sexually active citizens to prevent the spread of these diseases. At the very least, we should make it clear that the use of a condom during sex will keep people from getting these diseases. We should also try to calm people’s fears. For example, we must make it clear they cannot get AIDS by doing certain things, such as kissing or sharing a meal. We cannot guarantee that people will listen, but the effort must be made to let them know what the dangers are, and how to prevent them.”
         ——Dr. Anne Motts  U.S. Center for Disease Control
         —— 安妮·莫特医生   美国疾病控制中心
Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases
--disease 病,疾病
--social 社会的;社会上的
--sexually transmitted disease (STD) 性病
--guarantee 保证;担保
--smoking 抽烟,吸烟
--cancer  癌,恶性肿瘤;癌症
--overdose 服药过量
--Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 艾滋病,后天性免役不全症候群
--condom 保险套



