
英语口语 2019-08-04 00:11:28 313

Unit 6 Holidays
假 期

Part One: Expressions
1. What are you up to?
2. I’m just going to take it easy.
3. I have the day off.
4. Do you have any plans?
5. Can I check this book out?
6. Who is the author of that book?
7. Do you have any books by this author?
8. When is it due back?
9. It’s such an exquisite painting.
10. How much is it worth?

Part Two: Dialogues
1.Plans 安排
A: Hey, Ted. What are you up to this Friday?
  B: Well, I have the day off from work.
  A: That’s great! Do you have any plans?
  B: Well, I’ve been working so hard lately, so I’ll probably just take it easy.
  A: Sounds nice.
  B: Yeah, I’ll probably just stay in and relax. Maybe watch a few movies.
  A: Can I stop by?
  B: Sure. Any time.
A: 嘿,特德。这个星期五你去哪里?
B: 哦,我不用上班。
A: 太棒了。有什么计划吗?
B: 哦,这段时间我一直拼命工作。我可能只想放松放松。
A: 不错嘛!
B: 是呀,我可能就呆在家里轻松一下。可能看几场电影。
A: 我顺道来玩一玩好吗?
B: 当然,随时欢迎。

2.Borrow books 借书
A: Can I help you?
  B: Yes, I’m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject?
  A: These books over here are about ancient history. They might be helpful.
  B: Can I check this one out?
  A: I’m sorry. It’s for reference only, so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look through it.
  B: Ok. And I’d like to check these books out.
  A: All right. They’re due back next Wednesday.
B: Thanks for your help.
A: 我能为您效劳吗?
B: 我在做一些关于罗马文明方面的研究,这方面有没有什么书?
A: 这里的这些书是关于古代历史的。可能有些帮助。
B: 这本可以外借吗?
A: 对不起,这本只是参考书,不能外借。但是你可以查阅。
B: 好吧。我想借这些书。
A: 好的。归还期限是下个星期三。
B: 谢谢你的帮忙。

3.In the museum 在展览馆
A: Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!
  B: What are you so excited about?
  A: I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!
  B: What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.
  A: I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.
  B: There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.
  A: Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!
  B: No, how much is it worth?
  A: About 80 million dollars.
  B: Whoah.
B: 你怎么如此兴奋。
A: 我可是站在一副精美的艺术作品前面。
B: 这又有什么了不起。只是某位女士的肖像画而已。
A: 我在书本上看到很多次。但没想到可以亲眼见到。
B: 我想比这好的不计其数。
A: 可能是的。但是你知道这幅画值多少钱吗?
B: 不知道,值多少钱?
A: 大概8千万元。
B: 哇。

Part Three: Substitutions Drills
1. A: What are you up to?
  B: I’m (taking it easy/ relaxing/ staying in tonight).

2. A: Do you have any plans?
  B: I’m going to (watch movies/ read a book/ wash my bicycle).

3. A: Sounds (nice/ exciting/ thrilling).
  B: You’re welcome to join me if you want.

4. A: I’ve been so (busy/ stressed out/ overwhelmed) lately.
  B: You should take it easy.

5. A: Can I check this (book/ encyclopedia/ audiotape) out?
  B: I’m sorry. It’s for reference only.

6. A: When is this book due back?
  B: It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).

7. A: Do you have any books on (cars/ fish/ European economic conditions)?
  B: These might be helpful.

8. A: I’m sorry, sir. No (eating/ drinking/ using mobile phones) in the library.
  B: Please forgive me.

9. A: It’s such (a beautiful/ an exquisite/ a lifelike) statue.*
  B: I agree.

10. A: How much is it worth?
   B: I’d guess around ($20,000/ $4,801,199/ $2.7 million).

Part Four: Monologue
“Almost everyone knows the painting, Mona Lisa, but not everyone knows of its bizarre history. It was sold to the king of France, and later Napoleon hung it in his own bedroom. Then, in 1911, it was stolen from the Louvre by an Italian man. Apparently, he simply put the painting under his shoulder and walked out the front door. Museum attendants didn’t even notice the painting was missing until a day or so later. The Mona Lisa turned up after about a year and a half in the shop of an antique dealer in Italy. The man who had stolen the painting wanted it back in the artist’s home country and, after his mission accomplished, he was seen as a national hero by many. Italian authorities then returned it to the Louvre Museum, where it now hangs behind bullet proof glass.”

Part Five: Vocabulary and Expressions
-- take it easy不紧张,从容,不急
-- have the day off 不上班
-- check (something) out结帐离开,看看,试试
-- due back 归还日期
-- encyclopedia百科全书
-- research  (学术)研究;调查,探究
-- stressed out紧张的,感到有压力的
-- It’s so…/ It’s such a… 它如此…
-- bizarre 奇异的;异乎寻常的
--* It’s so (+ adjective).  It’s such a (+ noun).
It’s so beautiful.  It’s so hot.  It’s so noisy.
It’s such a beautiful painting.  It’s such a hot day.  It’s such a noisy city.



