真实生活英语&真实生活英语Unit18:The Internet & Email

英语口语 2019-08-04 00:11:19 125

Unit 18 The Internet & Email
因 特 网 和 电 子 邮 件

Part One: Expressions
1.How do I set up an email account?
2. Go to yahoo.com.
3. It’s asking me for a password.
4. What do you want to find?
5. I want to find infomp3ation on the American Civil War.
6. If I’m interested, I’ll go to the library.
7. Can you find a good price there?
8. You don’t have to be mean. 
9. I’ll let you know what I find.
10. Have you tried the Internet?

Part Two: Dialogues
1.E-mail account 电子邮件帐户
A: How do I set up an email account?
B: Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.
A: Which link?
B: That one, the one that says, “Mail.”
A: Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.
B: Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”?
A: Yes.
B: Click on that.
A: Oh, I see. 
B: Yeah, just fill out this fomp3 and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.
A: 我怎样可以建立一个电子邮件账户?
B: 哦,那很容易。上雅虎网站。现在,点击这个图片为信封的链接。
A: 哪一个链接?
B: 那个,叫做“邮件”。
A: 哦,不,我做了什么?它要我输入密码。
B: 别急。看是是否问是新用户?
A: 是的。
B: 点击这个。
A: 哦,我知道了。
B: 是的,填了这张表,选择一个密码。其他的就交给电脑来做。

2.Searching 查找资料
A: Can you help me do an internet search?
B: Sure. What do you want to find?
A: I want to find infomp3ation on the American Civil War.
B: Well, can you be more specific? There are a lot of websites about that.
A: Yes, I want to know about the battle of Gettysburg.
B: O.K. Well, go to google.com, and type in “Battle of Gettysburg.”
A: Oh wow, there are a lot of sites.
B: Here, try this one. It’s a good site about Gettysburg.
A: Thanks.
B: For detailed infomp3ation, however, you should read a history book.
A: Thanks.  If I’m interested, I’ll go to the library.
A: 你能帮助我上网查找吗?
B: 当然。你想查找什么?
A: 我想找一些美国内战的相关资料。
B: 喔,你能再具体一些吗?相关网站可有不计其数。
A: 好的,我想了解关于葛底斯堡战役的事情。
B: 好的,好,上google网站,输入“Battle of Gettysburg”。
A: 哇,有这么多网站。
B: 这儿,点击这个试一试。这是关于葛底斯堡战役的一个挺好的网址。
A: 谢谢。
B: 可是,要查到详细的资料,你应该看看历史书。
A: 谢谢。如果我感兴趣的话,我会去图书馆的。

3.Shopping on the Internet 网上购物
A: I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can’t find a cheap plane ticket.
B: Have you tried the Internet?
A: No, not yet. Can you find a good price there?
B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom.
A: Well, you don’t have to be mean. How do I do it?
B: Go to yahoo.com and click on “Travel” and “Tickets.” They’ll be about a billion sites to look at.
A: O.K. Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find.
B: All right.
A: I’ll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks.
A: 我想去中国度假,可是买不到价钱便宜的机票。
B: 你上网试过了吗?
A: 不,还没有。你可以查到价钱合适的吗?
B: 哇,妈妈,你还生活在石器时代。
A: 你不要这么小气。我该怎么查找?
B: 上雅虎网站,点击“旅游”和 “车票”。就有成千上万的网站供你查找的。
A: 好了,谢谢。我找到了会告诉你的。
B: 好的。
A: 我也会帮你看看票的。谢谢你。

Part Three: Substitution Drills
1. A: How do I (set up/ get/ sign up for) an email account?
  B: Oh, that’s easy.

2. A: (Go to/ Type in/ Open up) yahoo.com.
  B: O.K.

3. A: It’s asking me for a (password/ username/ my email address).
  B: Don’t worry.

4. A: What do you want to (find/ search for/ research)?
  B: The American Civil War.

5. A: I want to find (infomp3ation/ stuff/ websites) on the American Civil War.
  B: Can you be more specific?

6. If (I’m interested/ I want to/ I decide to), I’ll go to the library.

7. A: Can you find a good (price/ deal/ bargain) there?
  B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age.

8. A: You don’t have to (be mean/ a jerk about it/ put me down).
  B: Sorry.

9. A: I’ll (let you know/ tell you/ show you) what I find.
  B: O.K., I’ll look too.

10. A: Have you tried (the Internet/ some websites)?
   B: No.

Part Four: Monologue
The Internet has changed the way Americans do many things.  Increasingly, Americans use the Internet to shop, bank, keep in touch through email and chatting, get their news, and research topics of interest. Websites such as ebay let them pursue hobbies such as coin or stamp collecting. You can even get radio and television shows on the internet. Email is still the most common use of the internet, and its uses are growing everyday. People joke that soon the only reason to leave your house will be to find a wife, since you’ll be able to do everything else over the Internet. 

Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases
--Internet  因特网
--website/ site  网站
--email/ email address =electronic mail电子邮件
--account  账,账目,账单
--library  图书馆,藏书室;图书室
--password 口令;暗语
--search 搜查;在…中搜寻
--click on…点击
--computer 计算机,电子计算机
--research  研究,调查,探究



