英语口语大师&英语口语大师mp3下载 成就篇第3课 Waiting for the Breeze-祈盼清风

英语口语 2019-08-02 06:11:40 88
Lie in bed, by an open window, and listen...
“No air conditioning? How can you sleep?” a friend asks, horrified. I’ve just revealed that my family has decided to shut the air conditioner off and [1] trim our electric bill.
On this first night of our cost-cutting adventure, it’s only 85 degrees. We’re not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway.
“It’s too hot to sleep,” my 13-year-old daughter moans. “I’m about to die from this heat,” her brother hollers down the hall. “Just try it tonight,” I tell them. In truth I’m too tired to argue for long. My face is sweaty, but I lie quietly listening to the cricket choirs outside that remind me of childhood.
I think about Grandma, who lived to 92 and still supervised my mom’s gardening until just a few weeks before she died. And then, I’m back there at her house in the summer heat of my childhood. I move my pillow to the foot of Grandma’s bed and angle my face toward the open window. I [2] flip the pillow, hunting for the cooler side.
Grandma sees me [3] thrashing. “If you’ll just watch for the breeze,” she says, “you’ll cool off and fall asleep.” She cranks up the Venetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. Lying still, waiting, I suddenly notice the life outside the window. The bug choruses . Neighbors, porch-sitting late, speak in hazy words with sanded edges that soothe me.
“Mom, did you hear that?” my seven-year-old blurts. “I think it was an owl family.”
  “Probably,” I tell him. “Just keep listening...”
Without the [4] droning air conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch. I hope I’m awake tonight when the first breeze sneaks in.

crank // v. 转动(曲柄)
Venetian blind 软百叶窗
filmy // adj. 朦胧的
flutter // v. 飘动
chorus // n. 合唱
hazy // adj. 模糊的
soothe // v. (使)平静
owl // n. 猫头鹰
unfiltered // adj. 未过滤的
sneak // v. 偷偷摸摸地做(事)

  “不开空调?能睡得着吗?” 听说家人要为了节电而把家里的空调关掉时,我的朋友一脸惊愕。


1.trim的本意是“修剪、整理”,如果你种了一棵小树,就要经常地 “trim dead branches off a tree”,“修剪树上的枯枝”;此处的trim当然是和“修剪”无关,而是表示“减少、压缩”,比如说“I’ve trimmed my composition from 1000 words to 500”, 这就是说“我把作文从1000字压缩到500字”。

2. 此处的flip向我们描述了“翻转” 的动作,如果你看见弟弟在煎鱼,一面已经要“糊”了,而另一面还没熟,就要赶紧吩咐他:“Flip the fish on its back!”(把鱼翻个身);另外我们经常会用投掷硬币的方式,来决定什么事情,flip就可以表达“投掷、轻抛”的概念,比如说“Let’s flip a coin to see who goes first” (用投硬币的方式决定谁先去)。

3.thrash:辗转反侧、睡不着觉的滋味很让人难受,thrash就是用来形容这种滋味的,如果你心里惦记着心爱的姑娘是否会在第二天答应你的求婚,就可能 “spent most of the night just thrashing around” (大半夜躺在床上辗转反侧),不过这种滋味是人人都有过啊!

4.此处的drone表示“(空调)嗡翁声”,当然“嗡嗡声”不仅来自“空调”,我们还经常可以听到“Bees are droning among the flowers”(蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡叫),“A plane droned overhead”(飞机在头顶上嗡嗡飞过)。 英语口语大师 英语大师 英语口语 有道英语口语大师下载 英语口语软件 有道口语和有道口语大师 英语口语练习 有道英语口语app 英语口语用什么app



