什么是口语&轻松英语口语会话 谈谈你的某种经历(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语口语 2019-08-02 00:11:19 99
[00:00.00]Hello,my name is Vivian.
[00:02.41]I was born to a beautiful,tall mother who never had a problem being thin.
[00:08.64]I,on the other hand,was fat since the day I was born.
[00:13.00]Every reward was edible,every time I was disappointed with my weight I ate more.
[00:20.02]I was also despairing as a teen because of my weight.
[00:24.19]In junior high I would live off of Acutrim tablets that I\'d buy with my snack money after school.
[00:30.85]They would give me awful headaches and make me feel lousy.
[00:34.99]So in high school I thought I came up with the perfect solution.
[00:39.46]I invented a new feeding schedule for myself,one meal every other day.
[00:46.37]In two months I went from a voluptuous 164 1bs.to 134 1bs.
[00:54.25]I noticed that I\'d get dizzy whenever I had to tie my shoes,so I glued them laced and considered the problem solved.
[01:03.11]My pelvis would hurt at night when I slept on my stomach.
[01:07.64]Around this time I was approached to enter the Miss Teen California Pageant(suffice it to say,this didn\'t help me see the dark side of my new diet plan).
[01:18.95]I actually turned down the pageant because I didn\'t want to have to show my stretch marks from having been fat.
[01:26.40]After six months(at 115),I began to notice a change in my hair,and eyes,and teech.
[01:35.33]I no longer looked bright,and I couldn\'t concentrate in school.
[01:40.51]My 4.0 went to a 3.5,I was removed as the captain of the volleyball team(I threw up a lot during serves),
[01:50.12]and my cycles ceased.
[01:52.57]I knew I had to reclaim my life.
[01:55.31]Even if it meant being a bit chubby.
[01:58.15]I started to eat once a day for a month and then moved up to twice a day;
[02:04.45]to this day I can\'t eat more than twice without getting really sick.
[02:09.49]I set goals for myself based on muscle tone and inches lost,and I have stopped getting on scales completely.
[02:17.20]The biggest reason for quitting,in my case,was for the "health"of it.
[02:21.37]After smoking for more than 30 years it was taking a noticeable toll on my lungs,my endurance,and my quality of life.
[02:30.19]It even affected how I slept at night as I found myself wheezing more and more as time went by.
[02:36.67]I was also made aware of how smoking could harm the loved ones in my life and I could no longer pretend that I wasn\'t harming them by continuing to smoke.
[02:46.03]Unrelenting visions of a friend that I visited in the hospital,
[02:49.78]where she was about to go into surgery to try to get rid of the cancer that had already eaten away at her neck,throat and jaw,would haunt even my dreams.
[02:59.17]She died an agonizing death not long after that visit.
[03:03.38]That could have been me in that room.
[03:05.76]So,I knew I had to try to get away from this killer that was stalking me every time I lit one up.
[03:11.92]Alice:This time you\'re quitting for good?
[03:14.18]Or is it going to be a few weeks of quitting cold turkey and then back to bussiness as usual?
[03:19.40]Bob:Thanks for the vote of confidence,Alice!
[03:21.71]I really am trying to quit for good.
[03:23.87]Alice:I hope you plan on doing it little by little.
[03:26.78]I think a gradual approach is better.
[03:29.20]You can\'t be in a hurry about these kinds of things.
[03:32.40]Bob:You are totally right.It\'s a multi-faceted process.
[03:36.25]I\'m trying to psyche myself up for it too...I keep on telling myself over and over.Smoking is horrible.
[03:42.95]Alice:Well,just let me know if you need any help wit that pep talk.
[03:46.73]I\'ll be more than happy to deliver it in the future.Seriously though,best of luck.
[03:49.68]我很乐意来鼓励你的。说认真的,祝你好运。 什么是口语 每天学一点英语口语会话 英语口语快速 英语情景对话对提高口语 轻松英语会话 怎么自己练口语对话 怎么提高英语口语自学 英语简单口语对话10句 怎么提


