什么是口语&轻松英语口语会话 社会老龄化(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语口语 2019-08-01 18:11:40 87
[00:00.00]Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
[00:02.20]it gives me great pleasure to introduce our Keynote speaker for today\'s plenary address,
[00:07.99]Dr.Howard Miller.,Dr.Miller, Professor of Sociology at Washington University,
[00:14.54]has written numerous articles and books on the issues facing older Americans in our graying society in the past 15 years.
[00:23.36]Thank you for that introduction.
[00:25.20]Today,I\'d like to preface my remarks from a story from my own life
[00:29.38]Which I feel highlights our common concerns that bring us here together.
[00:33.16]Several years ago when my grandparents were well into their eighties,
[00:36.72]they were faced with the reality of no longer begin able to adequately care for themselves .
[00:41.54]My grandfather spoke of his greatest fear,
[00:44.21]that of leaving the only home they had known for the past 60 years.
[00:48.49]Fighting back the tears, he spoke proudly of the fact that he had built their home from the groud up,
[00:53.53]and that he had pounded every nail and laid every brick in the process.
[00:57.56]The prospect of having to sell their home and give up their independence,
[01:01.63]and move into a retirement home was an extremely traumatic experience for them.
[01:05.70]It was ,in my grandfather\'s own words ,like having a limb severed off.
[01:10.34]He was quite emphatic exclaiming that he felt he wasn\'t important anymore.
[01:14.52]For them and some older Americans,
[01:16.61]their so-called"golden years" are at times not so pleasant,for this period can mean the deline of not only one\'s health but the loss of identity and self-worth.
[01:25.82]In many societies,this self-identity is closely related without social status,occupation,material possessions,or independence.
[01:33.96]Furthermore,we often live in societies that value that which is "new" or in vogue,
[01:38.89]and our own usage of lexicon in the English language often does not bode well for older citizens.
[01:45.01]I mean how would your family react if you came home tonight elated exclaiming ,"Hey ,come to the living room and see the OLD black and white TV brought!
[01:53.76]"Unfortunately, the word"old" conjures up images of the need to replace or discard.
[01:59.88]Now many of the lectures given at this conference have focused on the issues of pension reform,
[02:05.42]medical care,and the development of public facilities for senior citizens.
[02:09.96]And while these are vital issues that must be addressed,
[02:12.84]I\'d like to focus my comments on an underlying issue that  will affect the overall success of the other programs mentioned.
[02:19.86]This has to do with realigning our perspectives on what it means to be a part of this group,
[02:24.68]and finding meaning roles the elderly can and should play in our societies.
[02:29.22]First of all,I\'d to talk about..
[02:32.42]numerous    adj.  many
[02:35.48]There were numerous articles in the paper on that problem.
[02:40.06]preface   v.  to introduce or begin
[02:44.23]The manager prefaced his presentation with the minutes from last meeting.
[02:50.21]prospect         n.  the anticipation that something might happen
[02:56.15]His prospects aren\'t very good for getting a job because he lacks the needed skills.
[03:02.52]traumatic     adj. very upsetting or difficult
[03:06.80]Because of air pollution, we have seen some very traumatic changes in the environment.
[03:14.22]limb   n.  a part of the body , like an arm or leg
[03:20.16]Many artificial limbs have been prepared for.
[03:24.52]severed off    cut off completely
[03:29.38]The two businesses severed off negotiations after they couldn\'t agree on any of the important issues.
[03:37.08]lexicon          vocabulary
[03:40.64]Expanding  your lexicon in this technical field will help you a great deal.
[03:47.56]to be elated   V.    very happy or excited
[03:51.41]They were elated to hear the good news.
[03:54.58]discard   v. to throw away, to dispose of
[03:59.44]The fish in this river are dying because local industries have been reckless in discarding their waste materials.
[04:03.25]由于当地工业企业恣意乱排废物,这条河中的鱼不断死亡。 什么是口语 基本口语 会话英语 口语 口语对话 英语口语对话 英语口语对话常用语 口语的英语 英语基本口语


