什么是口语&轻松英语口语会话 企业管家婆(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语口语 2019-08-01 18:11:38 97
[00:00.00]Ellen: So John,what kind of company is it that you work for?
[00:03.13]John: Uh,it\'s primarily,uh,a manfacturing company ,we design ,uh,special parts for people that.
[00:09.79]uh,have special needs .We have about 300 employees.
[00:13.64]Ellen: I see ,And what is your  job title?
[00:16.74]John: I\'m a director of human resources,but ,uh,heavy emphasis is on recruiting employees and because it\'s ,uh,kind of a niche market.
[00:24.23]I really am recruiting people on their ability to learn and ,uh,I guess,their work habits and their past performance.
[00:30.49]Ellen: So recruitment really takes up a lot of what you do!
[00:33.84]John: Yeah,I have to -uh,I really ,have to work at balancing things because,uh,there are a lot of internal mangement responsibilities that I have -uh,just-just keeping working well together.
[00:44.21]managing personalities,absenteeism ,those kinds of things ,I also conduct,uh,salary surveys,and recommend pay scales based on,
[00:52.96]uh,information that I\'ve gathered ,uh,throughout the industry ,and in uh,other related industries.
[00:59.26]Ellen: So ,what part of your job do you enjoy the most?
[01:03.25]John: Well,I think -uh,I think I enjoy now what I used to be,uh,most afraid of and that is ,uh,
[01:10.81]resolving conflicts with,
[01:14.38]And I think it\'s partyly because I\'m starting to appreciate that -that some personalities-uh,they might not even be people I like -uh,
[01:22.22]but you can always find someone who they can work with ,and if you,uh-you know ,if you keep an open mind and manage that,
[01:28.70]uh,you can have people working together well.
[01:31.33]Ellen: Interesting.
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