口语&轻松英语口语会话 海外学子美国杂谈(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语口语 2019-08-01 18:11:36 95
[00:00.00]For many international students , coming to the Unite States and living here and studying can be a quite a daunting experience,
[00:07.99]especially when finding housing on campus or off campus .
[00:12.74]And fortunately , there are a variety of options that students can look to .
[00:18.11]And I\'d like to talk just briefly a little about on-campus living, off-campus living, and some of the advantages and disadvatages of each.
[00:29.09]Well I think first of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security
[00:38.92]because of its proximity to campus facilities since commuting without a car can be quite an experience,
[00:46.55]espercially when you have to commute long distances.
[00:50.54]Often in dormitories ,meals might be provided , and this can allow students to devote time to their academics,rather than housekeeping.
[01:00.91]But students should also be aware that they\'ll be required to abide by certain regulations dealing with student conduct as part of the uh, the contract and living on campus.
[01:13.69]Another option,uh,another option is off campus living in apartments , and like living in dormitories,
[01:21.94]uh,living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance specifically because usually it is handled by someone,
[01:30.50]uh,else ,Also ,uh,when you might live off campus ,there might be ,uh,uh,a certain amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have,uh,living on campus.
[01:45.73]But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible for furnishing their own apartments.
[01:52.28]Well, of course ,the choice is up to you,but be careful to review both the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus and off campus .Good Luck.
[02:02.90]The choice is up to you.
[02:05.03]The final result of the match is still up in the air.
[02:09.10]The dinner is on me .
[02:11.29]This party is especially for you.
[02:14.24]daunting  : frightening: to feel afraid or to lose courage
[02:17.07]使人畏缩的: 令人恐惧的,感觉害怕或失去勇气。
[02:19.90]The student was daunting by the thought of traveling alone.
[02:23.78]options: choices or alternatives
[02:26.11]选项; 选择或抉择
[02:28.43]There are several educational options to choose from when selecting a school.
[02:33.65]security:freedom from anxiety or fear of danger
[02:36.22]安全: 不再忧郁,担心或害怕
[02:38.80]We have decided to install light sensors for additional security.
[02:44.23]proximity:a region close around a person or thing
[02:47.17]接近,亲近: 人或事的一个区域上的接近。
[02:50.10]The proximity of the apartment to campus makes it the ideal place for students.
[02:56.26]facilities :something created to provide a particular service
[02:58.90]设备: 为了提供一个特别的服务制造出的东西。
[03:01.55]This university has excellent sports facilities.
[03:05.51]commute: to travel between two points.
[03:07.43]交换: 两点之间的旅程。
[03:09.36]I commute to work by bus.
[03:12.46]The commute to my new job is longer than I anticipated.
[03:16.38]devote: commit or dedicate
[03:18.34]投身于: 干什么或献身。
[03:20.30]My brother devotes all his energies to his studies.
[03:24.48]abide by: follow .honor, or observe
[03:26.66]坚持,遵守: 跟随,尊敬,观察
[03:28.84]If students do not abide by the housing regulations,they could be requested to move out.
[03:35.60]regulations: rules or guidelines
[03:37.75]规章,制度: 规则或指导
[03:39.89]The dormitories have established clear regulations on student behavior.
[03:45.47]maintenance: care ,upkeep
[03:47.36]维护,保持: 关注,维持
[03:49.25]Renters sometimes have to pay a fee for the maintenance of the apartment grounds.
[03:54.54]tenant: renter
[03:55.69]租主: 租贷人
[03:56.84]The tenant in apartment 303 is moving out this week.
[03:59.13]303室的租客这个星期搬出去。 口语 什么是口语 基本口语 会话英语 口语对话 英语口语对话 英语口语对话常用语 口语的英语 英语基本口语


