什么是口语&轻松英语口语会话 豆丁的天空(mp3+lrc字幕)

英语口语 2019-08-01 18:11:32 84
[00:00.00]Tarpangar:What happened?
[00:01.48]Little Eric:Look at this .So many day\'s spent trying to master this and then that magical day when everything clicked,"Go Eric ,stay up there ,you can do it."
[00:11.77]Tarpangar: You guys did a lot of things together.
[00:14.22]Little Eric: Yea,we did ,but that was a long time ago.
[00:17.17]Tarpangar: Made you a sandwich,
[00:18.86]Little Eric:Thanks.
[00:19.98]Tarpangar:sure you don\'t want me to help.
[00:22.43]Little Eric: No,that\'s what got me into trouble in the first place,
[00:26.35]Am I wrong here?I mean if I did something wrong tell me.
[00:30.56]Tarpangar: Well, I...
[00:32.15]Little Eric: I mean realize that I am not the perfect brother okay,but neither is he,
[00:37.22]I mean we\'re talking about Eric here.
[00:39.74]Tarpangar: Yes ,we are.
[00:41.54]Little Eric: The guy\'s a total screw-up .I mean we spent our wedding night in jail because of him, remember.
[00:47.70]Tarpangar: What I remember is having one of the most amazing weddings in the best hotel in Philadelphia because of him.
[00:54.97]Little Eric: But it\'s not like we\'re still kids anymore .
[00:57.89]I mean we\'re adults now .
[01:00.01]We have our own lives ,let him get a wife and try and keep up with everybody.
[01:05.02]Tapangar: Hmm,you  like that cast,you could have another one.
[01:08.94]Little Eric: Look ,I did everything I could possibly do to try and patch things up,and he rejected me every step of the way.
[01:17.29]He\'s the one that sold our memories.
[01:20.21]Tarpangar: I\'m not sure it\'s that simple.
[01:22.73]Little Eric: We\'re completely different people ,Tarpanger,and besides where is it written that you have to spend time with your brother.
[01:30.65]Tarpangar: I remember when that\'s all you wanted to do.I was jealous.Sean was ,too.
[01:36.95]Little Eric: It\'s easier when you\'re kids ,you know .
[01:39.65]I mean I was there,he was there ,you hope on a sled the next thing you know you\'re laughing  an intersection ,
[01:47.39]I mean time goes by and somehow what you had sort of fades away.
[01:52.00]Tarpangar:That doesn\'t mean you can\'t get it back ,you have the rest of your life to make new memories.
[01:58.08]The question now is just do you want to. I\'ll see you at home.
[02:03.88]He rejected me every step of the way.
[02:07.19]He rejected their invitation point-blank.
[02:10.39]We rejected his idea for a music club ,and decided to have an art club instead.
[02:13.40]我们没有采用他关于成立音乐俱乐部的想法,而是决定成立艺术俱乐部。 什么是口语 基本口语 会话英语 口语 口语对话 英语口语对话 英语口语对话常用语 口语的英语 英语基本口语


