s66&5分钟开口说英语 Book1_s66-75

英语口语 2019-08-01 06:11:24 335
[00:00.00]SITUATION 66
[00:04.28]One at time,please.
[00:07.94]Do you have anything for a cold?
[00:13.22]Do you have a fever?
[00:16.59]No,I don\'t.I have a cough and my nose is running.
[00:22.23]Why don\'t you take an aspirin?
[00:26.07]O.K.,how many should I take?
[00:30.33]Only one at a time.
[00:33.80]I\'d like to exchange this blouse and these shoes.
[00:40.46]I can only handle one item at a time.May I see the sales slips?
[00:46.63]I\'m sorry,I don\'t have them.
[00:50.47]I\'ll have to check the price book.
[00:54.00]With that take long?
[00:57.05]No.It just takes a minute.
[01:00.92]Single life,please.
[01:05.78]But we\'re together.
[01:09.02]That doesn\'t matter.
[01:12.36]You have to pass through the detector one at a time.
[01:17.32]What about my camera?I don\'t want to ruin my film.
[01:22.65]We\'ll inspect it by hand.Don\'t worry.
[01:27.48]Please be careful.
[01:30.72]SITUATION 67
[01:35.09]Will you transfer this call to Mr.Brown\'s offcie?
[01:40.13]Good morning.Mr.White\'s office.
[01:45.80]Hello.May I speak to Mr.Brown?
[01:49.92]I\'m sorry,you have the wrong extension.
[01:54.36]Will you transfer this call to Mr.Brown\'s office?
[01:58.91]Surely.Hang on.
[02:02.38]Thank you.
[02:05.13]Tamkang University.May I help you?
[02:10.46]I\'d like some information about your evening classes.
[02:15.31]Let me connect you with the evening school office.
[02:20.07]Who\'s in charge of that office?
[02:23.83]Mr.Wei.Hold on while I transfer your call.
[02:28.90]Thank you.
[02:31.95]Mr.Martin\'s office.
[02:36.71]Is Mr.Martin in?
[02:40.37]No,I\'m sorry.He\'s out of town.Mr.Black is handling his calls.
[02:46.53]Can you switch me over to his extension?
[02:50.48]No,I\'m sorry,you\'ll have to call Mr.Black directly.
[02:55.83]Thank you.
[02:58.47]SITUATION 68
[03:02.00]I\'d like to bill to a third number.
[03:06.46]Operator.Can I help you?
[03:12.03]I\'d like to bill to a third number.
[03:15.87]What is the number you\'d like to charge this call to?
[03:24.98]One moment please,I\'ll connect you.
[03:29.14]Thank you.
[03:32.09]Operator 307.May I help you?
[03:37.55]Yes.I\'d like to charge this call to my home phone.
[03:42.69]What is your name and number,please?
[03:46.46]My name is R.C.Bog.My number is 562-1439.
[03:54.50]Will someone be at that number now to accept the charge?
[04:02.52]I\'d like to bill this call to my home number.
[04:08.08]What is your name and home phone number?
[04:19.00]What number are you calling from?
[04:28.12]Thank you,sir.One moment,please.
[04:32.20]SITUATION 69
[04:35.75]Will you give me credit for the call?
[04:40.19]Business Office.Miss Smith speaking.May I help you?
[04:46.67]Yes.The call I just made was a wrong number.
[04:51.81]Will you give me credit for the call?
[04:55.97]What is your telephone number?
[05:04.30]All rught.We\'ll cancel the charge and adjust your account.
[05:09.55]Thank you.
[05:12.22]Operator,I was disconnected.
[05:17.86]I\'m sorry,sir.I\'ll reconnect you.What number were you calling?
[05:28.78]I\'m sorry,the line is out of order.
[05:33.14]Can you give me credit for the call?My number is 232-6868.
[05:40.72]Of course,sir.
[05:43.95]Operator 63.May I help you?
[05:49.73]Yes.I called New York,but the connection was so bad I had to hang up.
[05:56.39]We\'ll give you credit for the call,sir.
[06:00.23]Would you like me to reconnect you?
[06:03.99]Yes,please.My number is 428-6161.The number I called was 212-932-9920.
[06:17.26]One moment,please.
[06:20.32]Thank you.
[06:23.27]SITUATION 70
[06:27.34]This phone is out of order.
[06:31.60]May I use your telephone,please?
[06:36.93]I\'m sorry,but this phone is out of order.
[06:41.06]Do you know where the nearest pay phone is?
[06:45.52]There\'s one across the street.
[06:49.05]Oh,thank you.
[06:51.98]Don\'t mention it.
[06:55.14]Don\'t use the washing machine.
[07:00.47]Why not?
[07:03.34]It\'s out of order.
[07:06.50]They should put a sign on it.
[07:10.05]It just broke down a few minutes ago.
[07:14.13]Well,thanks for telling me.
[07:17.79]Excuse me.sir,but I jsut lost 30 cents in your vending machine.
[07:24.13]Is that machine out of order again?
[07:28.89]I guess so.I pressed the button for coffee,but nothing happened.
[07:34.77]Did you press the coin release lever?
[07:38.71]Yes,but I didn\'t get my money back.
[07:42.97]Here\'s your 30 cents.I\'ll put a sign on it.
[07:45.50] 这是你的三毛钱。我会在它上面放个标志。
[07:48.04]SITUATION 71
[07:52.08]Directory assistance.
[07:55.95]Directory Assistance.May I help you?
[08:01.28]Yes.I\'d like the number for Robert C.Brown in Chicago on Sheridan Road.
[08:08.93]I have a Robert C.Brown on Sheridan Road,but it\'s an unlisted number.
[08:15.31]Is there any way I can get the number.
[08:19.36]No,I\'m sorry ,I can\'t help you.
[08:24.03]I see.Thank you anyway ,operator.
[08:28.71]What number did you daial?
[08:39.00]That number has been disconnected.
[08:43.13]Thank you,operator.
[08:46.29]Could you give me the number of the Tribune Newspaper office?
[08:51.25]I\'m sorry,but you\'ll have to dial 411 for information.
[08:56.82]I see.Thank you.
[09:00.29]Operator 623.May I help you?
[09:06.14]Yes,operator.The number I dialed is out of order.
[09:11.71]Is there any way I can reach that party?
[09:16.07]The lines are being reppaired.There\'s no way I can connect you.
[09:21.53]It\'s an emergency!
[09:24.69]One moment,I\'ll connect you with my supervisor.
[09:29.44]Thank you.
[09:32.37]SITUATION 72
[09:36.13]I couldn\'t get through.
[09:40.39]Why didn\'t you call me yesterday?
[09:45.95]I tried to get hold of you,but I couldn\'t get through.
[09:50.71]What time did you call?
[09:54.47]I tried all morning.
[09:58.13]Then I can\'t understand why you couldn\'t get through.
[10:03.09]I kept getting a busy signal.
[10:07.24]did you call last night?
[10:12.21]Yes,but I caouldn\'t get through.
[10:16.18]Why not?
[10:19.34]I kept geting a recorded message that you phone was temporarily out of order.
[10:25.50]Are you sure you dialed the right number?
[10:29.76]I dialed the number you gave me.
[10:33.91]Is you phone out of order?
[10:39.06]What do you mean?
[10:42.32]I tried calling you last night but I couldn\'t get through.
[10:50.40]I kept getting a busy signal.
[10:54.16]I bet my son was on the phone.I\'m sorry you had so much trouble.
[11:00.40]SITUATION 73
[11:04.63]Let me get back to you in a few minutes.
[11:09.36]Jerry,can you come to meeting on Friday?
[11:14.82]I\'m not sure.Let me check my schedule.
[11:19.78]O.K.We\'re planning on having it around noon.
[11:24.75]Let me get back to you in a few minutes.
[11:29.19]If I\'m not in,leave a message.
[11:33.03]Sure thing.
[11:35.98]Ford Auto Repair.
[11:40.34]This is Mr.Lee.I left my car there this morning.Is it ready?
[11:47.92]I\'ll have to check with the service manager and get back to you.
[11:53.38]How long will it take?
[11:56.54]About 15 minutes.
[12:00.01]You can reach at my office.You have my number.
[12:05.26]Miss Chen,please.
[12:10.02]I\'m sorry,she\'s out to lunch.may I have her return your call?
[12:15.66]Yes,I\'d appreciate it.Do you know when she\'ll be back?
[12:20.91]I\'m not sure.I\'ll have her get back to you as soon as she cones in.
[12:27.08]Thanks you.
[12:30.03]You\'re welcome.
[12:33.08]SITUATION 74
[12:37.45]When are you due?
[12:41.00]How have you been feeling?
[12:45.57]Very tired.
[12:48.73]When are you due?
[12:51.97]Around the end of January.
[12:55.84]Have you picked out any names?
[12:59.60]Yes.Stewart if it\'s a boy and Janis if it\'s a girl.
[13:05.35]Sue,did you pick up my plane ticket?
[13:11.01]Yes.It\'s on your desk.
[13:14.67]Thanks.Everything is so rush-rush.
[13:19.22]When are you due in L.A.?
[13:22.98]I have to be there for a morning conference.
[13:27.13]Have a safe trip.
[13:30.37]Hi,Jack.It\'s good to see you.Is Mary here,too?
[13:36.82]No,she\'s not,but she\'ll be joining us later.
[13:41.50]Is James coming?
[13:45.05]Yes.He was due here an hour ago.
[13:49.78]Don\'t worry.He was probably delayed by traffic.
[13:54.93]You\'re probably right.
[13:58.40]SITUATION 75
[14:02.16]I enjoyed it very much.
[14:06.21]Do you enjoy your dinner?
[14:11.17]Yes,I enjoyed it very much.
[14:15.61]Would you like to see a movie?
[14:19.17]Yes,that would make the evening perfect.
[14:23.61]There\'s a double feature playing at the cinema.
[14:27.76]That sounds fine.
[14:31.24]Do you enjoy listening to the radio?
[14:37.40]Yes.I enjoy listening to the different talk shows.
[14:42.44]Some of them are very informative.
[14:46.52]Yes,and listening to the radio is a good way to study English.
[14:52.26]Oh,are you trying to improve your English?
[14:56.63]Yes,I am.
[14:58.14]是的, 想。
[14:59.66]Did you see the documentary on South Africa?
[15:06.11]Yes,I did.
[15:09.27]What did you think of it?
[15:12.74]I enjoyed it very much.
[15:16.22]I think the stations should air more documentaries.
[15:21.08]I agree.Some of the programs on TV are so children.
[15:24.00]我赞成。有些电视节目实在很幼稚。 s66 9s66 尚之炫s66 s66b1y ppKs66 jbxs66 索格s66 shashas66 yshs66


