
英语口语 2019-07-31 18:11:27 393
J: have you ever thought about having children, Kaitlyn?
K: my husband and I have thought about it, but we’ve decided not to have any. They are just too expensive. Besides, with all the news about global warming on the news lately, who knows what kind of world we’ll have in the future. What about you?
J: well, I’ve always wanted to have lots of children. Growing up with only one brother, I always felt a bit lonely. What do you think about families with only one child?
K: for me, growing up in a big family always made me yearn for attention. I always wanted to be an only child so that I could always do what I wanted and so that I wouldn’t ever have to share.
J: don’t you think you would miss having other people around?
K: no way! I spent 20 years of my life with relatives around me 24-7. you know, I don’t think I’ve ever actually spent any time by myself in my parents’ home. What do you think of the one-child policy in China?
J: if China didn’t have such a policy, can you imagine how many people there would be in China now?
K: that’s true. But as a woman, I’m glad that even though I don’t want any children, I at least have a choice in how many children I have. On the other hand, I can’t imagine what China would be like if there weren’t a one-child policy!
J: do you think most families with many children envy or feel sorry for other families with only one child?
K: I don’t know what other people think, but I, for one, envy only children!


When Americans say ”family”, they mean a nuclear family of Mom, Dad, and the kids.

Mike is my Mom’s son from her first marriage. He’s my half-brother.

Alice and I look very similar, because we are identical twins.

You can choose your friends, but not your family.
你能选择朋友,却不能选择父母。 如何学英语口语 学英语口语有什么用 学英语口语 为什么学不好英语口语 哪些专业要英语口语 如何让孩子学好英语口语 英语记单词方法 婴幼儿英语口语 怎么教宝宝说英


