英语口语练习小对话 第875期:不可与日耳语

英语口语 2019-07-30 18:12:13 64


第一, 迷你对话

A: Are you falling for someone in our company?


B: Nothing of the sort, I know few people in the company.


A: But you do seem to fall for Lucy.


B: Well, I like her, but I can’t hold a candle to her. I am not her match.


第二, 地道表达

Can’t hold a candle to someone

1. 解词释义

Cannot hold a candle to someone的字面意思是“不能为某人持握住蜡烛”,比喻为“远远不如”“不能相提并论”“不可与日耳语”或“给人提鞋跟都够不上”等等意思。我们常用“秉烛之能”来讽刺某人的无能,无用。

2. 拓展例句

e.g. Right - the Beatles were fantastic. Their music is still popular now. They were the greatest! Nobody has come along afterwards who can hold a candle to them.


e.g. I\'m talking about Michael Jordan,Number 23,who played for the Chicago Bulls. He set all sorts of records and won four world titles. Nobody can hold a candle to him.

我说的是Michael Jordan,就是以前芝加哥公牛队的二十三号。他创下各种各样的记录,并且四次夺取世界锦标。任何人跟他相比都望尘莫及。

e.g. She writes quite amusing stories but she can\'t hold a candle to the more serious novelists.

她能写些很有趣的故事,但是 比不上那些写出内容能发人深省的小说家。

e.g. In speed and efficiency of delivery we can\'t hold a candle to our European competitors.


第三, 词海拾贝

fall for:(1)喜欢,迷恋 (2)亲信,信以为真

e.g. You\'re too intelligent to fall for his flattery.


e.g. He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick.

他准是有点儿傻, 才落入那惯用的圈套。

e.g. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.


e.g. The dressmaker then said that his daughter was so appealing to the eye that the son of the judge would fall for her at first sight.


e.g. Women of certain age always fall for Graham\'s charm.


第四, 短句口译

1. 语义表述:不是那号人。

口语翻译:Nothing of that sort.

2. 语义表述:我配不上她。

口语翻译:I am not her match.



