A: Okay, here are the graphs and figures for this month\'s sales. Let\'s review them all together.
B: This first one , I have a question.... This graph is marking the sales perfomance for our line of hair products, right? Can this line be right? It looks like our sales plummeted. I can\'t believe we did that poorly.... If I remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramatically as the graph shows.
A: I think you are looking at the wrong line. The rapid drop in sales wasn\'t our hair products. You are correct, the hair product sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. The one that didn\'t do so hot this month was the cleaning products. I think there was a problem in the marketing plan. Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products, but it was already too late to mitigate the damage, so our mistake shows up in the sales.
B: Well, the good news is the new industrial cleaning products really took off. Look how the sales have shot up over the last two weeks.
A: That is our one major success. If you look at the other graphs, you can see that most of the other product lines remained steady with little increase.
B: At lease they stayed the same. That\'s better than dropping.
来源:-口语频道 Plummet: to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position 暴跌;速降
Share prices plummeted to an all-time low. 股票价格暴跌到历史最低点.
Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again. 一想到又要见到他,她的心情便直往下沉.
The jet plummeted into a row of houses. 那架喷气式飞机一头栽进一排房子里.
Mitigate: to make something less harmful, serious, etc. 减轻;缓和
action to mitigate poverty 减轻贫穷的行动
Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees. 植树造林减轻了土壤侵蚀.
Take off: (of an idea, a product, etc. 观念、产品等) to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly 突然大受欢迎;迅速流行
The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎.
Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. 她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业迅速起飞.
Shoot up: to rise suddenly by a large amount 陡增;猛涨;迅速上升
Ticket prices shot up last year. 去年票价猛涨.