
英语口语 2019-07-26 00:11:45 87

A: What\'s the news on our website? How effective do you think it is from a marketing standpoint?

B: We\'ve been able to survey and track some of the information of our website users through some cookie technology, and it\'s surprising to see the results.

A: What kinds of hits are we getting on our company\'s website?

B: From the numbers, it seems nearly half of the visitors who stumble onto our page pick up the link not from network browsers or search engines, but from our circular insert. That means our consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about our products and services through the web format. Based on these findings, I am completely convinced the internet is the marketing power of the future!

A: You really think that many people turn to the internet to find product information.What about the old standbys of word mouth and print media?

B: Well, these mediums are still important.... they aren\'t a thing of the past....But I think they might be less important now than in the past. The technology age has arrived!




standpoint:a point of view or way of thinking about ideas or situations 立场;观点
See also: perspective Synonym
a modern/political/theoretical standpoint 现代╱政治╱理论观点
He is writing from the standpoint of someone who knows what life is like in prison. 他从一个了解监狱生活的人的立场写作。

stumble across/on/upon something/somebody
to discover something/somebody unexpectedly 意外发现;偶然遇见
Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring. 警方无意中发现一个庞大的贩毒集团。

standby:a person or thing that can always be used if needed, for example if somebody/something else is not available or if there is an emergency 后备人员;备用物品
I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a standby. 我总会在冰箱里放一个比萨饼应急。
a standby electricity generator 备用发电机

来源:-口语频道 商务英语对话情景 商务英语口语900句 商务英语口语对话 商务英语口语 英语商业口语 abc英语口语 商务口语对话 英语口语对话 英语 口语



