M: How much do you have budgeted for our trip to Las Angeles?
F: In total, it should be about $5,000 for the week conference. Would you like to see the breakdown?
M: Yes, I want to know exactly where the money is going. Give me a detailed report.
F: First we have the airline tickets, which are $500 per person; with four of us going, that\'s t$2,000. For our accommodations, we\'re spending $80 a night ,per room, for five days. That\'s another $800.
M: Weren’t you able to find anything less expensive? We\'re sharing rooms, right?
F: I have two people to a room. The $80 room rate is the lowest I could find. With the conferece going on that week, all the hotels have inflated their prices, they\'re making a killing.
M: So far we have $2,800, what else?
F: I have budget $25 per peron per day for food expenses. That totals another$800. And for other incidentals, like taxe fees, and tips, I have estimated about $400.
M: Well, that\'s only $4000. Didn\'t you tell me your budget was$5000? Where is the rest of the money?
F: That\'s my buffer… I wanted to leave a little room in the budget,just in case---it\'s better to be safe than sorry.
Budget: to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose 谨慎花钱;把…编入预算
If we budget carefully we\'ll be able to afford the trip. 我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。
I\'ve budgeted for two new members of staff. 我已经把两名新职员名额编入预算。
Ten million francs has been budgeted for the project. 为该工程已编制了一千万法郎的预算。
The project has been budgeted at ten million francs. 该工程已制定一千万法郎的预算。
Incidental: something that happens in connection with something else, but is less important 附带的次要事情
You\'ll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis. 你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。
Buffer: a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects somebody/something against difficulties 缓冲物;起缓冲作用的人
Support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress. 家庭和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。
She often had to act as a buffer between father and son. 她常常不得不在父子之间扮演调解人角色。
a buffer state(= a small country between two powerful states that helps keep peace between them) 缓冲国(两敌对大国之间有助于维持和平的小国家)
a buffer zone(= an area of land between two opposing armies or countries) 缓冲区(两敌对军队或国家之间的地区)
make a killing: to make a lot of money quickly 发大财;获取暴利;财运亨通
来源:-口语频道 商务英语对话情景 商务英语口语900句 商务英语口语对话 商务英语口语 商务接待英语口语 商务英语口语训练 商务英语口语教程 商务口语对话 英语口语对话版权声明