
英语口语 2019-07-25 18:12:01 77

A:At today\'s teambuilding workshop,you\'ll have lots of opportunities to get to konw your co-workers better.We hope you can learn to build on every one\'s strengths and weaknesses,and jell together to create a seamless and efficient team.But first,we\'re going to have an icebreaker to get everyone warmed up.

Now,first,take a look at who is at your table with you.Do you see anymore you don\'t konw?Maybe one or two people you\'ve nver met?This is your chance,We\'ll give you two minutes to mingle and find at least three new faces.Talk until you find something in common with each other,then move on.We\'ll see who can find the most new friends in the least amount of time.Ready?GO!


那现在,看一下你同桌的人.看到你不认识的人了吗?也许有一两个你从未见过的吧? 那你的机会来了.我会给你2分钟时间互相认识一下,至少要结识三个新朋友.你们要一直谈到找到相同的话题为止,然后继续找朋友.我们要看谁在最短的时间内找到新朋友最多.准备好了吗?开始!

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