商务英语口语&商务英语口语对话:Dressing for Business商务着装

英语口语 2019-07-25 18:12:00 62

Did you see the way that Brian came to work yesterday? Ever since he came back from that conference in Silicon Valley, he\'s been coming to work dressed in jeans and sweatshirts. It\'s like he\'s decided to make himself at home in his office. I don\'t know how long it\'ll take before the management talks to him about it.

He was really influenced by the way they do things on the west coast. I guess the working atmosphere is a lot more relaxed and casual in California. It comes from the information technology industry.. there isn\'t such a large division between home and office, so people want to work in the clothes they feel more relaxed in.

Maybe so, but it seems kind of strange, which the rest of us in white shirts, dark suites, and ties.

It\'s not as bad as that...We are allowed to wear more casual jackets and trousers. Besides, didn\'t you hear what Brian found on his desk this morning?

What\'s that?

Management decided to give him four brand new white shirts. That\'s their way of telling him that his new style of dressing down is not quite acceptable.


Division: a disagreement or difference in opinion, way of life, etc., especially between members of a society or an organization 分歧,不和,差异

There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union.

Division of opinion among themselves contributed to their defeat.

dress down: to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear (与平时比较)穿着随便

Even if our company didn\'t have a dress code, I still think people would wear formal clothing to work.

I wouldn\'t be so sure... People want to wear what they feel most cofortalbe in.

Maybe that\'s ture for some positions, but I think the marketing and sales staff would definitely not agree. They dress for success? You can\'t go out on a sales cal if you are dressed in jeans. It\'s just not respectful to you client.

I think what you wear is so overrated. I would rather have a down-to-earth, honest and solid sales person than a painted, patent leaather, designer suite salesman.

It\'s not as simple as that. People judge you by your appearance, whether you like it or not. So dressing professional is being prefessional. The image that you portray to others is so important in business. It\'s your imag and how others perecive you that makes the difference between landing or lossing a sale.

Maybe you\'re right, but I\'ll take my sneakers and jeans any day!


dress code: a set of rules about what you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event

down-to-earth: (approving) sensible and practical, in a way that is helpful and friendly务实的,切合实际的

She was friendly and down-to-earth and quickly put me at my ease. 她友好而实在,很快便使我感到无拘无束了。

Portray: to describe or show sb/sth in a particular way, especially when this does not give a complete or accurate impression of what they are like 给人以某种印象,表现

Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是一个受害者。

Land: to succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)

He was lucky to land a good job.

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