Rules for using cell phone
A: Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work?
B: Yes, not bad. Like turn your cell phone ringer off and find a private place to make calls which it’s showing your respect to your co-workers.
A: Well, but for this one, don’t bring your cell phone to meetings, I think it is not reasonable. What if there are some important calls?
B: Well, this one is not compulsory. It is just suggestion.
A: I didn’t pay attention to that.
A: 你有没有看到关于上班使用手机的新规定?
B: 恩,看了,还好。好象有上班的时候关闭手机铃声,为表示对其他同事的尊敬,到角落里去打电话等。
A: 恩,但是这一条:不准把手机带入会议室,我觉得不合理,万一有特别重要的电话呢?
B: 没事,这不是强行要求的,只是一种提议罢了
A: 我就不管那一条了。
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