
英语口语 2019-07-25 12:12:31 318

A: Even if our company didn\'t have a dress code, I still think people would wear formal clothing to work.

B: I wouldn\'t be so sure... People want to wear what they feel most cofortable in.

A: Maybe that\'s ture for some positions, but I think the marketing and sales staff would definitely not agree. They dress for success! You can\'t go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans. It\'s just not respectful to you client.

B: I think what you wear is so overrated. I would rather have a down-to-earth, honest and solid sales person than a painted, patent leather, designer suite salesman.

A: It\'s not as simple as that. People judge you by your appearance, whether you like it or not. So dressing professional is being prefessional. The image that you portray to others is so important in business. It\'s your image and how others perecive you that makes the difference between landing or lossing a sale.

B: Maybe you\'re right, but I\'ll take my sneakers and jeans any day!


Formal  正式的
The letter was formal in its wording.

Overrated  高估的

Perceive  感知,认识
I perceived a change in his behaviour/that his behaviour had changed.
We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.
据观察所见, 病人站立和行走都有困难.

Dress code  服装规定

I wouldn\'t be so sure.  我没那么肯定

Dress for success  为成功而穿/打扮

Go out on a sales call  应邀去见客户

Patent leather  高级皮革

Designer suit  设计时尚的套装

Land a sale  得到一份买卖契约

Loose a sale  失去一份买卖契约

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