应急管理能涨工资吗&白领应急英语口语 奋斗之路36 涨工资了

英语口语 2019-07-25 00:12:27 114


范例一:Boss knows when to give a rise

One thing I love our boss for is that he always knows when to give you a pay raise without being asked for.

Really? How can he be so sure about the timing?

He just knows either by your excellent performance at work or by the annual review.

Well. This must save lots of employees from worrying about how to write a salary increase letter. You know how tough it is. Do all the employees receive the same pay increase annually?

Actually not! Our company pays for performance.

I like this system. It will encourage the best employees and motivate those who want to make a change at work.

范例二:Salary increase

You have been doing a great job this year and I am very satisfied with your work.

I am very happy to know my work could be recognized by you and our company.

Based on your contribution, I would like to give you a pay raise. Your monthly salary will be increased by 800 Yuan. This increase includes an 80% married increase based on your achievements and increase responsibilities and then the additional 20% increase were reflecting the changes in cost of living.

I really appreciate it. Thank you.


范例一:Boss knows when to give a rise  老板知道什么时候涨工资

One thing I love our boss for is that he always knows when to give you a pay raise without being asked for.

Really? How can he be so sure about the timing?

He just knows either by your excellent performance at work or by the annual review.

Well. This must save lots of employees from worrying about how to write a salary increase letter. You know how tough it is. Do all the employees receive the same pay increase annually?

Actually not! Our company pays for performance.

I like this system. It will encourage the best employees and motivate those who want to make a change at work.

范例二:Salary increase  加薪

You have been doing a great job this year and I am very satisfied with your work.

I am very happy to know my work could be recognized by you and our company.

Based on your contribution, I would like to give you a pay raise. Your monthly salary will be increased by 800 Yuan. This increase includes an 80% married increase based on your achievements and increase responsibilities and then the additional 20% increase were reflecting the changes in cost of living.

I really appreciate it. Thank you.  我真的很感激。谢谢你。

应急管理能涨工资吗 涨工资了 调整工资是涨工资吗 应急吧消防6月份涨工资 消防涨不涨工资 工作量大了要求涨工资合理吗 消防涨工资吗 消防为什么不涨工资 现役涨工


