第一天入职&白领应急英语口语 入职之初9 为第一天做准备

英语口语 2019-07-24 18:12:37 141
Part 2. First day in office



范例一:What to dress

Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing?

Well, if you want to look professional, serious and more conservative, a blue dress, white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice. But sometimes, very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues. It depends on the company’s dress code.

Indeed, I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview. Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony. It seems that their dress code is not that formal. Probably, I should put on car key and simple shirt.

Whatever you choose, make sure they are neat and clean.

范例二:What to put in my briefcase

Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff?

Let me see. Laptop, flash disk, a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a notebook, a pair of glasses, cell phone, charger, moisture, notion, … Oh, that is too much. You are not going to a business trip.

I guess I need all of them.

Actually, the company will provide you with all of these supplies. So, you can leave this very thick notebook at home.

I know. But it is my lucky charm. I carry it all the time.

Suit yourself. Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.

Part 2. First day in office


范例一:What to dress  穿什么衣服

Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing?

Well, if you want to look professional, serious and more conservative, a blue dress, white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice. But sometimes, very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues. It depends on the company’s dress code.

Indeed, I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview. Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony. It seems that their dress code is not that formal. Probably, I should put on car key and simple shirt.

Whatever you choose, make sure they are neat and clean.

范例二:What to put in my briefcase  我的公事包里应该放什么

Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff?

Let me see. Laptop, flash disk, a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a notebook, a pair of glasses, cell phone, charger, moisture lotion, … Oh, that is too much. You are not going to a business trip.
让我看看。笔记本电脑,闪存,一致圆珠笔,一支钢笔,一本笔记本,一副眼镜,手机,保湿液,… 噢,太多了。你打算去出差啊。

I guess I need all of them.  我认为所有这些我都需要。

Actually, the company will provide you with all of these supplies. So, you can leave this very thick notebook at home.

I know. But it is my lucky charm. I carry it all the time.

Suit yourself. Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.

第一天入职 入职第一天带什么 入职第一天注意什么 入职第一天一般会干嘛 入职第一天辞职 主管入职第一天 入职第一天带什么东西 入职第一天感受 入职第一天迟到


