常用商务英语口语学习 第200期:一同来策划(1)

英语口语 2019-07-22 00:12:21 129

(一):The meeting is arranged for Monday morning.会议安排在星期一上午。

The meeting is arranged for Monday morning. 会议安排在星期一上午。

All the delegates should arrive before Sunday evening. 所有的代表要在周日晚上之前抵达。

The meeting is scheduled on Friday. 会议安将在星期五。

The meeting will be held on Monday Nov. 20. 会议将在11月20日,星期一举行。

(二):How long will the conference last?这次会议要持续多长时?

How long will the conference last? 这次会议要持续多长时间?

From Monday to Friday. 从周一到周五。

The meeting is going to last three hours. 会议将持飧三个小时

The meeting lasted from two o\'clock till five o\'clock. 会议由两点一直持续到五点。

The conference will have lasted a full week. 会议将持续整整一周的时间



