常用商务英语口语学习 第256期:节日派对(1)
This song is for my dearest colleagues.
This song is for my dearest colleagues. 我要把这首歌献给我最最亲爱的同事们。 We all love you. 我们都爱你。 This song goes out to all those special people in my heart. 这首歌献给所有在我心中占据特殊地位的人。 This song is written for all my friends. 这首歌写给我所有的朋友。
I would appreciate your trust and attention of this year.
I would appreciate your trust and attention of this year. 非常感谢您这一年来对我的信任和关照。 You deserve it. 这是你应得的。 Thanks to everybody’s support and help for the past of the year. 感谢大家在过去的一年对我的帮助和支持, I will never forget! 我永远都不会忘记!