常用商务英语口语学习 第300期:从价开始(5)

英语口语 2019-07-21 12:12:19 106

You'll find that our prices are favorable. 你会发现我们的价格是很优惠的。 I'll check the email immediately. 我会尽快查看邮件的。 You'll find that our prices are favorable. 你会发现我们的价格是很优惠的。 Our price is in line with the world market. 我们的价格与世界行情相一致。 You'll find our price most competitive. 你会觉得我们的价格非常有竞争力。

An additional charge is made for heavy bags. 份量重的包裹要增收费用。 Any extra fees? 还有其他费用吗? An additional charge is made for heavy bags. 份量重的包裹要增收费用。 We put into effect a 10% mark-up of all price in June. 我们于六月份实行10%的全面提价。 Extra fees may be added, if. ... 如果……,我方会提价。 The price will be up… 价格会增加……



