常用商务英语口语学习 第295期:学会说不(5)

英语口语 2019-07-21 06:12:38 80

I have send sample to you by express. 我已经把样品通过快递寄给您了。

I have send sample to you by express. You'll get it in a week. 我已经把样品通过快递寄给您了。您一周之后就会收到。 That's great. 那太好了。 We have sent you a copy of our latest catalogue by DHL. 我们已通过DHL快递寄给您我方最新产品目录。 Half dozen samples have been shipped to you by UPS. 半打样品已经通过UPS快递给您了。 I can federal-express the contract to you. 我可以用联邦快递把合同寄给您。

Please find the mail sent by me tomorrow. 明天请注意查收我寄给您的邮件。 Please find the mail sent by me tomorrow. 明天请注意查收我寄给您的邮件。 OK. It's high efficient. 好的。效率很高啊。 Plese kindly check…

Please note to check.

Please note that check.



