常用商务英语口语学习 第330期:商谈索赔事宜(5)

英语口语 2019-07-21 06:12:32 108

The claim should be referred to the insurance company. 你方应该向保险公司索赔。

Your goods arrived are badly damaged. 你们的货物抵达时损坏得很严重。 The claim should be referred to the insurance company. 你方应该向保险公司索赔。 Your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment. 以我方所见,你方应向保险公司索赔,因为损失是在装船后发生的。

That's because something goes wrong in the delivery process. 那是因为运货过程出了问题。

Your goods arrived in damaged condition. 你方的货物到达我方时受损很严重。 That's because something goes wrong in the delivery process. 那是因为运货过程出了问题。 Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company,you should claim on it for recovery of the loss. 由于损失是由轮船公司的粗暴处理造成的,你方应该向他们索賠。



