常用商务英语口语学习 第329期:商谈索赔事宜(4)

英语口语 2019-07-21 06:12:31 65

We shall credit to your account £760 to cover both the value of the goods short delivered and your inspection fee. 我们将给你方的账户打入760英镑,以赔偿所短缺货物的价值和检验费用。

I am calling to see if you have accepted our claim. 我打电过來是想知道你方是否接受了我方的索赔。 We shall credit to your account £760 to cover both the value of the goods short delivered and your inspection fee. 我们将给你方的账户打入760英镑,以赔偿所短缺货物的价值 和检验费用。 We shall remit to you an amount of £2,000 in compensation for the loss. 我们将汇2000英镑到你方账中作为对你方损失的赔偿。 We are willing to give you an 18% allowance of the next shipment to compensate you for the loss. 我们愿意在运送下批货时给你方的津贴,以补偿你方的损失。

We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it.那不是我们的责任。

We claim for all our loss. 我们要求赔偿所有损失。 We cannot hold ourselves responsible for it. 那不是我们的贵任。 But we are not to bear this great responsibility alone. 但这不仅仅是我们的责任。 However, the B/L shows that when the shipping company received the goods, they were in apparent good condition. 但货运提单显示航运公司收到货时,货物外表良好。 The liability is certainly not on our side. 我方并无责任。



