常用商务英语口语学习 第353期:售后服务(3)

英语口语 2019-07-21 06:12:25 98

We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company. 我们只是拜访一下,感谢您选择了我们公司。 Good morning, Mr. Black. Is there something I can do for you? 早上好,布莱克先生。我能为您做些什么吗? We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company. 我们只是拜访一下,感谢您选择了我们公司。 I want to ask if you've had any problems so far. 我想问下您到目前为止有没有遇到什么问题。 Would you tell me what you have been trying to find out? 您能告诉我您一直想了解些什么吗? It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. 经过检验,发现你方的货物到岸后的实际重量和发票重置相差35公斤。 Mr. Wang, what's the problem? 王先生,出什么问题了? It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. 经过检验,发现你方的货物到岸后的实际重量和发票重沿相差 35公斤。 The landed goods were quite different from what expected. 运送到的货物跟我们期盼的有很大差别。 The inspection shows that the salt density exceeds at least 4%. 检验显示盐的密度最少超出了4%。



