常用商务英语口语学习 第338期:调查(3)

英语口语 2019-07-21 00:13:20 115

The marketing survey shows that the customers seem very interested in our new product. 有关市场调查表明,用户们似乎对我们的新产品很感兴趣。

The marketing survey shows that the customers seem very interested in our new product. 有关市场凋查表明,用户们似乎对我们的新产品很感兴趣。 It's a good start. 这是一个很好的开始。 Market survey has proved that the new design is in great demand. 市场调查显示新设计有很大的需求。

Talent shows are losing their audience appeal in China, according to a market research. 一项市场调查表明,中国的电视选秀节目正在失去其对观众的吸引力。

Talent shows are losing their audience appeal in China, according to a market research. 一项市场调查表明,中国的电视选秀节目正在失去其对观众的 吸引力。 Maybe we should stop sponsoring such kind of program. 也许我们应该停止赞助该类节目。 Negative findings could lead to the local labor ban on the construction. 若得出消极的调查结果,就会引起当地建筑工人罢工。 In aggregate, the conclusions from surveys of the new design arc far from encouraging. 总的来说,关于新设计的调查结果不容乐观。



