
英语口语 2019-08-13 12:11:36 117

1.But psychologists have discovered some basic parameters to help us understand happiness and how to have more of it.

           parameter 参数、系数

2. The days that make us happy make us wise.


3. Everyone else is off falling in love and acting stupid and goofy and sweet and insane,but not me.

           goofy 傻瓜的、愚笨的
           insane 疯狂的、愚蠢的

4.A nickname also can describe a person, place or thing.

           nickname 绰号、昵称

5. Phasing out nuclear stations could lead to quicker adoption of renewables or it could leave a hole that has to be filled with polluting coal and gas.

           phase out 逐步淘汰、废止
           adoption 采用;收养;接受

6. The founding families in Mystic Falls welcome you to the inaugural founder\'s council celebration.

【翻译】置身于Mystic Falls中的创始人家族欢迎您来参加创始人欢庆会的开幕式。
           inaugural 开始的、开幕的
           council 委员会;会议

7.The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.

           essential 基本的、本质的、精华的

那快乐的日子 那样快乐的日子 快乐的日子 那一段快乐的日子 相信吧快乐的日子 那段快乐的日子里 快乐的日子续集 快乐的日子是小文 那段快乐的日子500


