
英语口语 2019-08-13 06:11:30 88


1. The gas bill is here. 煤气账单到了呢。

2. Has the electricity/power bill come yet? 电费单到了吗?

3. We’ve spent a fortune on utilities. 我们在各项家居开支上花费不少。

4. You must pay your own phone bill. 你必须自己付电话费。

5. Water rates have gone up. 水价涨了。

6. I forgot to pay the cable bill. 我忘了缴有线电视费。

7. The phone will get cut off. 电话线会被切断的。

8. They have disconnected our power. 他们把我们的电给断了。

9. Didn’t you read the warning notice? 你没看那张告示单吗?

10. It’s long overdue . 这个过期了好久都没交。

11. We got a final notice yesterday. 我们昨天收到最后通告了。

12. Was there a connection fee? 要收取安装费的吗?

13. Of course there will be an installation charge. 当然要收取装机费用。

14. Tomorrow we’ll switch off your gas. 明天我们会切断你的煤气供应。

15. Rates are through the roof. 费用高得吓人。

16. How did we rack up this bill? 我们怎么积了那么大的一张账单?

17. I am swamped in bills. 我快被账单淹没了。

18. I have bills coming out of my ears. 各类账单泛滥成灾。

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